The Benefits Lime for Beauty Face

Lime Benefits for Face

Orange juice nutritious for your face, some of the benefits of lemon juice to the face include the following:

Orange juice can make the skin smoother.
Orange juice can make your skin whiter naturally.
Orange juice can beautify the skin.
This lime close up pores - pore.
To obtain the benefits of lemon juice to your face as I stated above, the recipe is as follows:

Provide fresh lemon, and then split into two parts. Then wipe the lemon flesh into the skin, nose, and cheeks that have large pores. Rub the lemon flesh also to the face rough and dull. By doing this regularly, your face will be smooth, white, and has pores that meeting.

Lemon Benefits for Beauty

In addition to the face, lemon juice is also beneficial for beauty. Orange juice can make your nails are clean and bright: you can use lemon water to cleanse and scrub your nails are dull.

If your hair is oily and dirty easily, you can wash it off using warm water mixed with lemon water. Benefits of lemon can make your hair into smooth, soft, and shiny.

You can also eliminate dandruff in the hair with lime juice rubbed into the scalp and wait for 20-30 minutes, after which the air Wash. Once you make this recipe as much as 2-3 times, your hair or your scalp will avoid dandruff.

Lime Benefits for Acne

Benefits of lemon next step is to deal with acne growing on the face. You can use the juice of lemon and honey as a mask. Lemon water can reduce the oil on the face, while the antiseptic content contained in honey can kill the bacteria that cause acne.
