Iler Leaf Healthy Benefits

These plants include familia Lamiaceae. Which leaves berhasiat is colored black. Multiply through stem. Major areas: singresing (Batak), Adong-Adong (Palembang), jawer gross (Sunda), slobber (Java), serewung (Minahasa), ati-ati (Bugis).

Description: Habitus shrubs, annuals, height of 1.5 m; Rod soft rectangular, single leaf, oval, pointed tip, flat edge, 7-11 cm long, 5-7 cm wide, 3 cm long stalk, purple flowers compounds, bunches form, at the end of the stem, crown-shaped lips, whitish purple, petals form a funnel, light green, stamens two, white, young buds; Fruit square, round, young green, after the dark brown; small seeds, flat, shiny, black; roots riding, yellow, whitish.

Chemical constituents: leaves and roots contain saponins flavonoids, polyphenols, essential oils, carvacrol, eugenol, ethyl salicylate.

Uses: medicine hemorrhoids, inflammation of the ear, puerperal fever, constipation, constipation in patients with hemorrhoids, constipation, boils, sores / ulcers, stomach mules, delayed menstruation, irregular menstruation, menstrual blood clean up, red eyes.
