benefits of sweating

sweating benefits

benefits of sweating
Benefits of Sweating
For centuries, different cultures have promoted the health effects of sweating through a steam bath and a sauna. Many people believe that the increase in body temperature that triggers perspiration health benefits. Research shows that sweating is not only good for health, but also beneficial to the beauty and maintain weight.

Sweat is the body's natural cooling system when the body temperature is too hot, cold or exercise. The liquid sweat is mostly made of water mixed with salt and a small amount of waste produced by the sweat glands in the skin surface. When the liquid on the skin surface and begins to evaporate, the body's cooling process begins.
Sweating is the body's natural mechanism to regulate temperature increases as we move or heat. "The sweat that comes out will help the body get rid of the heat so we will not be hot," said Adam Friedman, dermatology and cosmetic surgeon from Montefiore Medical Center, USA.

Because of the importance of the function of sweat, so if we are not able to sweat would endanger lives. "There is a condition called ectodermal dysplasia, which makes a person can not sweat," said Joel Schlessinger, a dermatologist.

People who suffer from ectodermal dysplasia conditions as they will be prohibited from exercising that heat can be bad for your heart and other body functions. So, thanks be sweating.

Other Benefits of Sweating

1. Brighten the face
Sweat were running down the face of not only cools the body but also affects the facial skin clean. According to Schlesinger, the sweat on the face will reduce the dirt that clog pores. It will also prevent acne.

You can also do a "fake sport" to trigger sweating by heating the face. The trick, hold your face to steam for three minutes. "Evaporative face is one way to cleanse the skin. Afterwards do not forget to clean your face with sweat is not removed can cause clogged pores," he said.

2. Healthy blood circulation
When you sweat, your heart rate will be fast and increased circulation, especially around the skin. "Basic sweat glands located in the lower layers of the skin, which are located very close to the small blood vessels," said Kara Rogers, editor of biomedical Encyclopedia Britannica.

He added that when the sweat glands dilate, blood flow to the skin will increase so spur of the circulatory system.

3. Against infection
Sweating was very effective against the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus resistant to the antibiotic. Besides sweating will also be reducing the harmful bacteria and fungus on the skin.

According to Friedman, the sweat fluid contained nitrite, which is converted into nitric acid when it reaches the surface of the skin, gas-containing antibacterial and antifungal. "Sweat also contains a natural antibiotic called Dermicidin that can kill the bacteria," he said.

4. Remove toxins
Research shows sweat contains a variety of components, including small amounts of toxic metals. Therefore sweating is often referred to as detoxify. With the amount of up to 5 million sweat glands in the skin of humans, I wonder if sweating is a mechanism for removing toxins from the body.

"Toxins are discharged through sweat is toxins that are usually deep under the skin. They come out through the pores along with dust and oil are trapped. Cleaning process will enhance the immune system and help the body fight the flu," said Rogers.

5. Cure
Do you know why we sweat when a fever? Sweating is the body's way to wake up the immune system to fight pathogens that make us sick. "Expenditure sweat is the body's way of healing itself," said Christian Nix, a traditional Chinese medicine.

The same mechanism occurs when you exercise or are in hot places. In addition to stimulating the metabolism to keep the weight, because your body will burn more calories but also this will stimulate the immune system.

6. Reducing asthma
If the sweat out of your body after a workout so much, then your risk of suffering from asthma are lower. Thus the conclusion of research by a team from the University of Michigan.

Although not really clear link between sweat and asthma, but the researchers said the setting of sweat in the body are also associated with setting the amount of water released through the airways. In other words, people who rarely sweating generally have drier airways making it more prone to suffer from asthma.
