Benefits of Green Beans

Almost all kinds of nuts contain protein and fiber and low in fat. So also for the health benefits of green beans that have many of the most common types of green beans is called "string beans" because of its fiber content. Snap beans and French beans also another name. French Beans slender and elongated. Their scientific name is Phaseolus vulgaris.
The green beans are fairly low in calories (31kkal per 100g). And also does not contain saturated fat, but it contains many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are useful for the body. Fibers contained in it is also very good for digestion and prevents bad cholesterol.

Benefits of Green Beans for Healthgreen beansYou need to know turns green peas also contain phosphorus and potassium are pretty much so good for bones especially for children who are in its infancy. So for mothers give your baby green beans on a regular basis to support its growth.
Besides it tastes delicious and contains many different types of vitamins and minerals, green beans can also treat various types of statement, such as high blood pressure, tuberculosis, stabilize stomach acid, reduce fever and beneficial for the field of beauty as it removes pimples and black spots.

Benefits of Green Beans For Pregnant WomenOther benefits of green beans are very good for pregnant women, we know keperti pregnant women in desperate need of folic acid contained in nuts tipa hijau.Kandungan useful folic acid to prevent birth defects and can improve the intelligence of a baby. More please read the benefits of green beans for pregnant women.
You need to know if the efficacy and benefits of food called latin vigna radiata is not lost though cooked / boiled until it breaks. That daretan health benefits of green beans, hopefully this article can increase your interest to consume these foods.
