Walking Healthy Benefits

even though seem trivial, but did you know that walking activity was very beneficial for the body, you want to know what are the benefits of walking for health? see the benefits of walking for health following

Here are some facts about walking:

1. Walk for 20 minutes each day will burn 7 pounds of fat per year.
2. Longer walk every day for 40 minutes is the best way to lose weight.
3. Walking faster than 20 to 25 minutes is the best condition for the heart and lungs.

Top 13 Healthy Benefits of Walking:

1. Improving the effectiveness of the heart and lungs
2. Burn fat in the body
3. Increase your metabolism so your body burns calories faster, even though midday break
4. Helps control appetite
5. increase energy
6. Helps heal stress
7. Slowing aging
8. Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood
9. Lowering high blood levels
10. Help control and prevent diabetes
11. Lower the risk of some cancers such as breast and prostate cancer
12. Assist in the rehabilitation of heart attack and stroke
13. Strengthen the leg muscles, thighs and Bone

Walking is much more favored in the appeal of running or jogging because walking reduces stress on the body including the thigh, knee and ankle. Remember to always warm up first and relaxation after a walk. Wear shoes that fit a little loose at the front for the anticipated widening of the foot when the foot is done so to avoid pain.

that is healthy walking benefits, hope this article do have benefits for you


  1. Walking is the one best path to get physically fit and healthy body. Walking will not only helps you to burn calories; it also helps to keep your body fit. Walking need not require hard machines and high energy.

  2. Combining exercise with dietary changes will yield quicker, more effective weight loss than walking alone.

    1. Agree, one should combine with diet for best result


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