Benefits of Papaya roots

The Benefits of Benefits of Papaya roots

Part of the roots of papaya trees provide benefits that are not small. Some of the benefits that you should know them.

Papaya roots
For worming, use dried papaya root 10 grams, 1 gram of garlic, and water 100 ml. Material is cut into pieces, then boiled with water for 15 minutes, then filtered. If necessary, add boiled water to obtain the filtrate 75 ml.

     For beverages, take two pieces of roots and leaves of the papaya. The second material is finely ground, then boiled with one liter of water until boiling, then strain. If necessary, mix honey or fresh ginger to taste.

    To prevent the risk of kidney stones, take three pieces of papaya roots, then boiled with one liter of water until boiling, then strain. Once cool, mix with a little honey, then drink.

    For bladder pain, and was bitten by a poisonous snake, Cut the papaya root 10 grams and 1 gram of dried garlic. Simmer mixture in 100 ml of water for ± 15 minutes, then filtered (if necessary, add boiled water to 75 ml of the filtrate obtained, taken three times a day each 25 ml).

    To prevent the risk of kidney stones and kidney inflammation, Clean 30 grams of papaya roots, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 450 cc, then strain, Once cool, mix with a little honey, then drink (3 times a day each 150 cc). or also by way of Clean up 30 grams of papaya root, root Combine papaya, 15 grams of fresh cat whiskers plant, and 30 roots of the weeds. Boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, then filtered, Drink 2 times a day each 200 cc.

     For urinary tract disorders, How to cultivate: Take 3 pieces of papaya roots, boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then strain, Drink ½ cup once a day.

     To treat rheumatism, How to cultivate: Blend 30 grams of papaya root, lime leaves 20 grams, 15 grams of fresh bitter, 20 grams ketepeng china, 30 grams of fresh betel leaf, and 5 pieces of cayenne pepper. Soak in a mixture of 75% alcohol for 7 days, then squeeze and strain. Use water to rub and massage the affected part. Do it 2-3 times a day.


  1. Where can I buy dried papaya root? I am in Chicago.


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